Monday, February 12, 2007

Our Project

In June of 2006 we purchased our first home.

Compared to some of the "gems" we saw in the same price range the house was in great condition structurally. However cosmetically there was much work to be done, this was just the sort of project we were looking for. We put in an offer beating out another buyer with a similar offer. Home buying lesson #1 learned: it pays to be pre-approved for a mortgage!

As we anxiously waited for closing we were lucky enough to receive offers of free labor from Chris's aunt and dad. So we began making plans to squeeze in as much work as possible in the week between closing and moving day. The plan was that I would take off the week after closing and work with Chris's dad and aunt to get the office and the front bedroom done in time for us to move in the following weekend.

The first day started out great, we started in the office downstairs and within 4 hours we had the drop ceiling removed and the wallpaper off the walls. Flush with victory we proceeded to remove the paneling and ceiling tiles from the upstairs bedroom. The first sheets of paneling came down and it appeared that the walls were painted not wallpapered. But as I looked closer much to my dismay it wasn't painted walls it was painted wallpaper. Most of the week was spent on that room peeling back layer after layer of stubborn wallpaper and not just on the walls oh no, on the ceiling too.

By Friday after a week of paint and wallpaper scraping we were all at the end of our ropes. While Chris's dad and aunt headed home and I enlisted my sister to go over to the apartment and pack while I manically worked on the bedroom in an attempt to get it done before the move Saturday. After a few hours I joined my sister at the house to finish up packing. The move was uneventful and by late afternoon we were moved in.

Two weeks after we moved in we were finally able to sleep in our own bedroom. It took 3 times as long as we expected but the price was about right. The office however is a story for another day.

