Thursday, April 19, 2007

Kitchen / Stairs Week 7

I think I may have to stop titling these posts with the current week... it's starting to get a bit depressing. On to the progress :) I finished up the doorway to the dining room, sans the top molding we removed it for repair. Now we only have 4 doorways left arrgh. On our other project, Chris finished up the ceiling in the stairway and I washed the stairs down. I'm hoping I can get them covered up tomorrow night, so we can get into some plaster repair yipee.

In addition to the trim on the dining room door I also got started on the door to our back hall. I'm very nervous about breaking the glass while using the heat gun so I've resorted to chemicals only. This is the first pane I tried this is after 2 rounds of Citristrip, letting it sit for 24 hours both times. I'm less than pleased with the results so I've decided to try once again try to look for the holy grail of paint strippers, non-toxic, smells like fresh air, removes all of the layers of paint in one fowl swoop. I know this is probably a futile task but whatever keeps me sane right?

So I've decided to try Peel Away.... it seems like many people are fans of this product. My local Lowe's store had only Peel Away 6, so Peel Away 6 it is. So how does it do on the scorecard for the holy grail of paint strippers. 1. Toxicity-Seemed to be pretty friendly I did allow the stripper to touch my bare skin and it didn't seem to burn so, so far so good. 2. Odor - Peel Away smells faintly of urinal cakes, but even so it is the best smelling paint stripper I've used thus far. 3. Ass Kicking power - TBD...

I decide to do two panes of glass... one I covered in wax paper and the other I left out to the elements we will see tomorrow night if Peel Away is the answer to my quest!

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