Thursday, March 1, 2007

Gearing up for Kitchen Demo

Tomorrow we begin the major demolition of our hallway and kitchen. This is how the kitchen looked in May of 2006 on our first visitAnd here is how it looked last week
Chris and I are taking Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off of work and are having my parents up for the weekend to join in the fun. The goal for the kitchen is to have the ceiling ripped down to the joists and the floor stripped down to the hardwood.

While we have the dumpster we will also be removing the paneling on the stairs. Here's hoping for the best!


petey1972 said...

Cute house! We have a 1914 1 1/2 story California Bungalow...and our kitchen looked just like yours just a couple of months ago! We finally made it to the "done enough to live in it" stage although there are still at least three projects going on in every room. Good luck!

Erin said...

petey1972 Thanks for the encouragement. We think our house may have was a bungalow once upon a time and many remodels ago. If you have some pics we'd love to see them