Friday, March 2, 2007

Kitchen/Stair Demo - End of Day 1

Today was a succesful day! Despite some inital delays we got about as much done as we'd hoped we would. Work was delayed this morning by the snow, we spent the first two hours of our work day shoveling and the snow also delayed our dumpter delivery. We didn't get down quite all the paneling today but what we did do went pretty quickly. Chris was also able to get new lightswitches installed. Then I moved onto carpet removal. I think I spent about 4 hours crouched on the stairs pulling up tackstrips and staples. I'm sore and tired but when I look at the stairs now I know it was worth it!

On an interesting sidenote my sister always says that there has been a lot of bad taste in our house over the years and we found yet another lovely example today.
Right around the lightswitch we have what looks like sponge paint, this whole time I thought it was just a bad 90's fad... Gosh was I wrong.

Well off to bed to gear up for more work tomorrow.

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