Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Week 4 - Kitchen / Stair Remodel

My parents came up again this weekend to celebrate my birthday and help us out a bit with the house. Even with their help, the pace of the project has slowed to a crawl. I've moved off of the floor scraping and onto the trim and baseboards. So far everything I've worked on on this project has involved kneeling, scraping, and scrubbing.

Chris and my dad did some more clean up on the kitchen ceiling and pulled out the stove vent and some of the abandoned ductwork. In one of the remodels past they cut off the cold air return to the upstairs kitchen with the new window but left the duct in place. Nothing like having a hole in the wall for no reason.

Last night, Chris started work on the wallpaper again, it looks like he's gotten over his fear of tigers :)

Even though we are still in a state of destruction. It does help to think of putting it all back together, we're thinking about amber shellac for color on the kitchen floor with a water based polyurethane over top to protect it from moisture and scratches. I think our floors were originally waxed but I'm afraid that we won't be able to keep up with that. I'm going to try to get the pantry floor sanded so we can use it as a test to test our finishing options.

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