Friday, June 15, 2007

Fun with Knob and Tube

Well after we hadn't heard back from the electrician, I started removing all of the old knob and tube in the kitchen. Most of it is gone except for the wires that run into the dinning room. Once it gets to the dinning room it branches to the rest of the rooms.

I put a junction there so that we could use the rest of the lights down stairs. I figure once we remove the rest of the knob and tube on that circuit, i will just pull the junction box down. For now it's in the ceiling and will be covered by a white plate.

Now to where the fun begins. In tracing the circuit I discovered that it runs into the bathroom. The problem was the wire was in bad shape and part of it even snapped off where it was pinched under a knob. I was able to isolate that from the circuit and now the bathroom is with out power. Good thing we have two bathrooms.

The plan is to remove the bathroom ceiling and run basic electrical for the light, fan and the one outlet. There is a drop ceiling as well so we won't have to get the actual ceiling repaired right away.

It looks like our next project will be that bathroom. It will be a pain, because to get to it we will have to go through our nice finished kitchen. :(

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